traditional pain management methods NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

 traditional pain management methods   NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

Massage therapy has long been used as an adjunct to traditional pain management methods: people intuitively massage areas of pain to make the area feel better. Research has shown elevated plasma β-endorphin levels following massage therapy,1 which may explain some of its pain-reducing properties. Theorists have postulated that massage therapy may decrease substance P levels during massage treatment, but controlled studies have not yet been performed. A systematic review of 22 articles on the effects of massage therapy on relaxation and comfort indicated significantly decreased anxiety or perception of tension in 8 of 10 articles; physiological relaxation was indicated in 7 of 10 articles; and 3 studies demonstrated it was effective at reducing pain


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