Post-Massage Care:Getting The Most Out Of Your Massage NEAR ME Spa Center - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783
Post-Massage Care:Getting The Most Out Of Your Massage NEAR ME Spa Center - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783
You’ve just received the massage of your dreams, and have completely submerged into a state of euphoric bliss. You can see the massage therapist in front of you, you’re aware her lips are moving, but you’re too relaxed to take in her words.Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.
Your massage therapist is likely instructing what to do now your massage is over, as caring for yourself during your post-massage period is an integral part of your overall experience. Your post-treatment care determines what you get out of each session, and how long your state of relaxation will last.
So, if you missed your massage therapist’s little chat, here’s a quick recap of what you should be doing post-massage.
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