
Showing posts from March, 2018

Difference Between Thai Massages and Traditional Swedish Massage NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

Difference Between Thai Massages and Traditional Swedish Massage  NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Thai massage is often called “lazy yoga” even though it uses techniques similar to the Swedish massage. The Thai massage uses acupuncture points that stretch and loosens the muscles. It helps to release tension and relieve joints. The Thai massage is based off an ancient system that combines acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic methods, and yoga positions. A Thai massage will make you feel rejuvenated and energized. It uses a technique called blocking and releasing the blood flow. It involves applying pressure to the area where the legs and arms meet at the torso. Once the pressure is released, the client will feel heat as the blood rushes back to the limbs. There is two kinds of Thai massages: traditional and ancient massage. The traditional Thai massage takes place in Thailand, and the ancient form is common in Northern India and Nepal. Ancient Thai massages start with med

Deep Tissue Massage Treatment NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

Deep Tissue Massage Treatment  NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Deep tissue massage therapy is one of the most frequently requested services in the massage profession. Many massage therapists recognize this and offer this modality. Deep tissue massage is commonly misunderstood and it can be unclear whether clients are requesting a deep tissue massage session or are asking for a massage with stronger pressure. Many clients often associate deep tissue massage with pain, hard or strong pressure, and often invasive massage techniques. Although there is a level of truth to this association, a good deep tissue session should not cause pain or discomfort. There may be a delayed onset of muscle soreness; however, any type of massage approach can cause this. Many schools often teach deep tissue massage as a technique that uses increased pressure to access the deeper layers of the tissues, often inadvertently overlooking the diverse applications of deep tissue massage techniqu

traditional pain management methods NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

 traditional pain management methods   NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Massage therapy has long been used as an adjunct to traditional pain management methods: people intuitively massage areas of pain to make the area feel better. Research has shown elevated plasma β-endorphin levels following massage therapy , 1 which may explain some of its pain-reducing properties. Theorists have postulated that massage therapy may decrease substance P levels during massage treatment, but controlled studies have not yet been performed. A systematic review of 22 articles on the effects of massage therapy on relaxation and comfort indicated significantly decreased anxiety or perception of tension in 8 of 10 articles; physiological relaxation was indicated in 7 of 10 articles; and 3 studies demonstrated it was effective at reducing pain

Massage and the Stress Response NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

 Massage and the Stress Response  NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Massage has long been seen as a way for people to decrease their stress levels. With the growing number of people seeking massage therapy care in recent years, it becomes increasingly important to understand if it is effective in managing the negative health consequences of stress. In this month's article review, we explore work from a team of experienced researchers who provided a review of the existing literature in this area. Albert Moraska, Robin Pollini, Karen Boulanger, Marissa Brooks, and Lesley Teitlebaum in their 2008 article, "Physiological Adjustments to Stress Following Massage Therapy : A Review of the Literature," provided a critical evaluation of peer-reviewed research that had investigated the relationship between massage therapy and physiological measures of stress. The authors emphasized that reviews like this one are important to understanding the effectiveness of massag

Anti-Aging facial massage NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

 Anti-Aging facial massage  NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 In addition to feeling great, facial massage is a fast and simple way to improve circulation to the face, enhancing the skin's color and texture. Facial massage is also helpful for relieving stress, easing headaches, inducing relaxation and clearing sinus congestion. Professional facial massages are often expensive, but you can give someone a simple facial massage at home in just 10 minutes. A facial massage should not last longer than 20 minutes, according to Massage Therapy 101. Lengthy massages are more likely to stretch the facial muscles and irritate delicate facial tissue.

Moroccan Spa: Hammam, Body Scrub & Massage in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

  Moroccan Spa: Hammam, Body Scrub & Massage in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Enjoy some rest and relaxation with a visit to a Moroccan spa. Revel in a soothing hammam (bath), beautify yourself with essential Moroccan beauty products, including the renowned Argan oil, beldi soap and rhassoul , and experience a comforting body scrub and massage. Traditionally, Moroccans visited their local hammam not only as a place for cleansing and recreation, but as a meeting place for people of all ages, ranks and stations to gather and socialise. Today, the Moroccan hammam retains its integral cultural role.

Trigger Point Therapy in in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

Trigger Point Therapy  in  in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in other parts of the body. A trigger point in the back, for example, may produce referral pain in the neck. The neck, now acting as a satellite trigger point, may then cause pain in the head. The pain may be sharp and intense or a dull ache. Trigger point massage therapy is specifically designed to alleviate the source of the pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release. In this type of massage for trigger point therapy , the recipient actively participates through deep breathing as well as identifying the exact location and intensity of the discomfort.

Massage Your Fingers to Relieve Pain in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

Massage Your Fingers to Relieve Pain  in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Reflexology  specifically is the use of therapeutic pressure massage in specific areas of our hands and feet to facilitate functional flow of energy, pain relief and optimal health. There are areas on our hands and feet called reflexes that correspond to specific areas of our bodies and even organ systems within our bodies. Often in areas that we feel pain there is a blockage of energy preventing health and wellness.

5 Ways To Give Yourself An Awesome Massage in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

5 Ways To Give Yourself An Awesome Massage in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Between talking, texting, typing, and cross-training, life can really take a toll on your body. It’s no wonder that prescription pain medication sales have jumped 90 percent since 1997, according to an Associated Press investigation. That’s a lot of pills, especially when massage in dubai   can be just as effective in some cases, and almost free. Whether it’s your head, shoulders, knees, or feet that need attention, there’s an easy massage you can give yourself, no expensive meds required. Sitting at a desk all day long can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, irritation of a nerve in your wrist and fingers, but this series of exercises, ideally done every hour, can prevent pain from creeping into your day. 1. Hold your left hand up, palm facing outward. Using your right hand, pull the fingers back toward your wrist until you feel a stretch, and hold that position for 5 seconds. Repeat the

how could massage “release” toxins in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

how could massage “release” toxins in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 It’s clear that we still don’t have a fix on which toxins therapists are talking about. Let’s work with an example of a rock-star-popular waste metabolite: lactic acid, or lactate. Lactic acid is the poster boy for the waste metabolites, probably the only one that’s a household name, and most massage therapists still assume that lactic acid can be squished out of muscle tissue and into the bloodstream. This is not a difficult thing to test, and it has been tested, and some results were a bit shocking: not only does massage definitely not “reduce” lactic acid, 11 perhaps massage even “ impairs lactic acid and hydrogen ion removal from muscle.”

prenatal massage therapy in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

prenatal massage therapy in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Therapeutic massage has been used for centuries to improve overall health, reduce stress, and relieve muscle tension. Massages during pregnancy have often received ambivalent responses from the health community regarding their safety and purpose. Modern investigation and research has shown that  prenatal massage therapy  can be an instrumental ingredient in women’s prenatal care and should be given careful consideration. Although most massage training institutions teach massage therapy for women who are pregnant, it is best to find a massage therapist who is certified in prenatal massage. The APA works with some massage therapists who are trained to work with pregnant women, but it is still important to ask about qualifications.

HANDS FREE MASSAGE in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

HANDS FREE MASSAGE in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Massage therapy is a wonderful and transformational profession. I should know, I have been practicing and teaching massage therapy for 18 years. I am also married to a massage therapist. Sometimes she used to come home in the evening complaining that her hands, wrists or thumbs hurt after a long day of doing many massage sessions. And at other times it was my turn after I had a large stiff massage client who wanted deep therapeutic work, and I could feel it in my hands afterwards. Most massage therapists have to confront this issue sooner or later. Our hands are our main tools. It is a balancing act: How much work can you get out of your hands without risking the health of them? How strongly can you work to satisfy your client without endangering your hands? How many years will you last in your chosen profession if your hands start to tire and wear out? Studies show that there are plenty of therapists wh

4 Benefits of a Deep Tissue Massage in NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

4 Benefits of a Deep Tissue Massage in  NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Massage is known for its ability to help the mind and body relax—and that alone makes getting massage advantageous.  Deep tissue massage  may bring your clients other benefits as well. To help you understand these, it first helps to understand what a deep tissue massage is. Deep tissue massage dubai is a technique that focuses primarily on the deeper layers of muscles and the fascia. Sometimes this technique involves the therapist using firmer pressure in order to reach these key areas and get them to release, which is why this particular massage is oftentimes recommended for people who are comfortable with a slightly more intense touch. However, deep tissue massage can also refer to gentle yet sustained pressure targeting the myofascial layer. The belief that deep pressure equals pain is a myth; however, the benefits of deep tissue massage are beyond question.

Strengthens Your Immune System NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

 Strengthens Your Immune System NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Massage therapy boosts immune system by stimulating natural killer cells. Since therapeutic massage decreases cortisol that destroys natural killer cells, your immune system gets a boost. An increase in white blood cells and natural killer-cell activity better prepares the body to fight off possible invading cells. body Massage even boosts immunity in those people with severely compromised immune systems, such as cancer patients.

In Home Massage Therapy NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

In Home Massage Therapy  NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Sometimes after a long day at work and or busy week, we don’t always want to get in the car and drive to our appointments.  Well if massage is one of those appointments on your list, there is no need to even leave the house because an in-home massage therapist can come to you by simply going the  MassageBook directory and booking in your in-home massage therapy appointment.  In-home massage therapy treatment allows you to fully relax in your own home and not have to drive before or after your massage treatment. And that’s the part I love!! Booking an in-home massage therapist to come to your home, is about as easy as getting a pizza delivered right to your front door.  And because it’s that easy, once you have your first in-home massage therapy treatment, it might be hard for you to go back to travelling for your massage appointments in the future. By now I’m sure you are convinced of how convenient this can be for yo

Surprising health benefits of foot massage and reflexology NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

 Surprising health benefits of foot massage and reflexology  NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Our foot which bears the weight of the whole body, allows locomotion and does a lot of work. Still they are the least pampered part of the body. To pamper your feet and keep them strong and flexible, a daily foot massage in  for a few minutes is good option. A regular foot massage along with reflexology helps in promoting physiological as well as physical health. Reflexology is an ancient healing practice based on the principle that there are reflex points on the feet that correspond to the body's different organs and glands. The human foot is an evolutionary marvel, capable of handling hundreds of tons of force and your weight in motion. It has 42 muscles, 26 bones, 33 joints, 250,000 sweat glands and at least 50 ligaments and tendons. In particular the feet has almost 15,000 nerve endings.  

Types of Massage Therapy NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

Types of Massage Therapy  NEAR ME Spa - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 In Swedish massage in dubai, the therapist uses long strokes, kneading, deep circular movements, vibration, and tapping. Sports massage is similar to Swedish massage, adapted specifically to the needs of athletes. Among the many other examples are deep tissue massage and trigger point massage , which focuses on myofascial trigger points -- muscle "knots" that are painful when pressed and can cause symptoms elsewhere in the body.

Benefits of Massage During the Summer NEAR ME Spa Center - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

 Benefits of Massage During the Summer NEAR ME Spa Center - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Sure, there’s a lot to do in summer – grilling, gardening, traveling, you name it – but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still take care of you. In fact, massage is a terrific thing to treat yourself to during the summer months, when your body badly needs it. Here are four of the main reasons to treat yourself to a massage this summer. 1. Massage Is “You Time” During summer, plans and activities seem to spike. Kids are home from school and need to be ferried to and from camp and other activities. Hikes, picnics and park trips become the norm. Even if you don’t have any kids and work is still relatively relaxed, most people make more plans in the summer months. A massage is a great excuse to get some time for yourself. 2. Massage Compensates for Increased Exercise Most people also exercise more in summer, when nice weather makes being outdoors easy. Whether your exercise of choice is ga

The benefits of oncology massage NEAR ME Spa Center - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

The benefits of oncology massage NEAR ME Spa Center - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 Oncology massage is an approach to massage therapy based in both compassion and specialized massage treatments to help people manage their experience with cancer. Review of the scientific literature indicates oncology massage helps improve quality of life. Benefits include improved relaxation, sleep, and immune function as well as relieving anxiety, pain, fatigue and nausea. Oncology massage therapists are trained to meet people where they are in their experience with cancer and apply a highly individualized massage treatment to comfort, nurture and support them in their process. The treatments are modified according to the full spectrum of cancer-related issues: the physical, psycho-social and emotional consequences of cancer. In addition, the person’s individual goals are considered and aspects of the disease and cancer treatment side effects. Personal goals for receiving oncology massage

Hair Spa NEAR ME Spa Center - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783

Hair Spa NEAR ME Spa Center - DUBAI | ☎ 0525337783 A hair spa can help you to get rid of unruly and tangled hair and is the best possible ways to relax, while hitting a beauty salon. Just like your face, your hands and feet, your hair also requires nourishment and pampering to stay healthy. So at our hair salon we combine several essential oils , herbs, natural oils and shampoos to give you the best possible hair spa ever. Quality matters to you, and is an essential for us; we use certified products which are applied in the most professional manner. A good hair spa readily reduces oil secretion and stimulates the hair cells which help in the growth and regeneration of hair. Before the spa, we diagnose your hair type and then conduct the spa session with creams and lotions that contain milk and honey extracts and other natural conditioners that leave you and your hair feeling relaxed and beautiful